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The Real Scoop on Annuities - Part Two
Unfortunately, the stock market never has been able to generate guaranteed levels of income, and sometimes fails to move higher just because we think it should. Serious problems occur when mutual funds are packaged with annuity contracts and the critical differences between them are either overlooked or undisclosed, perhaps innocently, perhaps not.
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I Want Tax Free Income
If one wants tax free income, why not buy tax free muni bonds in the form of Closed End Funds.... more than 6% tax free, in monthly increments, plus the opportunity to take profits (taxable, yes) and compound the income until it is needed. Or spend it right away, for that matter.
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Final Expense – burial expenses paid and up to $50,000 in additional funds to relatives/Life Insurance
Final Expense Insurance (also commonly referred to as burial insurance) is a type of life insurance that provides basic coverage for funeral costs, final medical bills, debts, and any other final financial needs. Independent Agency: Affordable Final Expense Insurance. No medical exam required to qualify. Call 1-888-831-8541 or 770-831-8851.
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You Never Know When You Will Need Long-Term Care
Because of old age, mental or physical illness, or injury, some people find themselves in need of help with eating, bathing, dressing, toileting or continence, and/or transferring (e.g., getting out of a chair or out of bed). Independent Agency: Long Term Care Plans. Call 1-888-831-8541 or 770-831-8851.
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What Is Whole Life Insurance?
As you know there are several types of life insurance, and one of those types is called whole life. Whole life insurance is a life insurance policy that pays a lump sum on death. In some cases, it may also pay if a diagnosis of a critical illness is detected in the policyholder. Whole life policies can vary a great deal when it comes to the way they are paid out. In some policies, the payout can be a fixed sum of money that has been decided on at the time the policy is st...
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How To Eliminate Capital Gains Tax
First off I will give a short summary of the Capital Gains Elimination Trust (CGET). Then, I will provide some details about how it works and conclude with a case study as an example of how someone might use this. Summary:The Capital Gains Elimination Trust is better known as a Charitable Remainder Trust. How this works is one would deposit highly appreciated assets into the CGET. The trust sells the assets and pays no capital gains tax. You then get to withdraw an...
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Life Insurance Conundrums
Life insurance is a mix of terminology and incomprehensible phrases. What do the phrases, term life, whole life and universal life mean?Life Insurance SalesGetting the best life insurance is important! But it's hard to understand what the different words and phrases mean, but now there are answers on the internet to help you. Information and life insurance quoting sites such as ours can let you learn on your own. On a site like this, you can check the market for the l...
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Disability Life Insurance Costs
Disability insurance is one of the most cost effective ways to cover your expenses if you become unable to work. Although it's also known as disability income protection or disability income insurance by the companies that issue these policies, it is still the same type of policy.Your Disability Life Insurance PremiumsWhen you apply for disability life insurance, there are several factors that will influence your premium;Occupation: The more dangerous your job is,...
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Life Insurance When You Are Gone
Immortality is no big deal. Just imagine getting up on a Monday morning 52 times a year for the rest of eternity. Really only two advantages of eternal life spring to mind you could start reading War & Peace and know that you would have time to finish it, and you wouldnt need life insurance. However, as mere mortals, maybe we shouldnt start on a very long book and we should take out life insurance, because we none of us know just how long we have got.Not parti...
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Competitive Term Life Insurance - Updating Your Policy
If you are in your 40's and 50's, there is great news when it comes to competitive term life insurance rates. Let's take a look at how your situation could affect your life insurance rates.Use Competitive Term Life Insurance To Reassess Your NeedsCouples who think that they no longer need to look for competitive life insurance prices after their children reach 18 years of age, may want to check current market prices. Many term life insurance policies are purchased to ...
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Buy your Term Insurance the modern way, online.
Now that so many term life insurance policies are available online, it makes sense to use this option when you are looking for protection for your family, you can take your time to consider all the different types of term insurance, and the different rates available. There's a ready supply of information, which puts you in a position of knowledge and will help you to make the correct decision.
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5 Tips For Cheaper Life Insurance Premiums
1. Consider an income policy instead of a lump sumMost people know that life cover pays out a lump sum if you die. But far less know that you can buy cover that pays a regular tax free income instead of a lump sum. Its official name is Family Income Benefit and is often cheaper than the more common Level Term lump sum payout option. So why would an income be better than a lump sum?Many people who take out a life insurance policy simply want to provide an income for t...
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Life Insurance - One More Step On The Insurance Ladder
The recently over 60s are the post-war baby boomers. Their insurance needs are very different from that of a young family or someone just starting out in their first job.A typical 60 something couple will have raised their family, finished paying off their mortgage and are into or nearing retirement. More and more of this age group of people spend part of their year abroad or maybe are planning to move to the sunshine on a permanent basis.Maybe it would be a good ide...
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Life Insurance. How The New Regulations Affect Policies Written In Trust.
In his spring Budget the Chancellor Gordon Brown announced swinging measures to tackle the use of Trusts being used to avoid Inheritance Tax. The immediate reaction amongst the financial and legal fraternity amounted to panic and confusion. Within ten days of the budget speech the estimates of the numbers of people that could be hit by the new anti-trust provisions hit 4.5 million. Then, following the publication of the draft Finance Bill, the estimates fell to 1 million ...
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Tips to Know Before Buying an Annuity Policy
Annuities may be a useful tool for those who want a steady stream of income throughout their lives. While most annuities include a death benefit, an annuity is almost the opposite of a life insurance policy - annuities offer financial protection against outliving your income.
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Tips to Consider Before Buying an Annuity Policy
Annuities may be a useful tool for those who want a steady stream of income throughout their lives. While most annuities include a death benefit, an annuity is almost the opposite of a life insurance policy - annuities offer financial protection against outliving your income.
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Life Insurance When Only The Best Will Do!
Were all too used to hearing about rising prices. But theres one thing that now costs less than ever good life insurance! Intrigued? Read on
No-one likes to think about the worst that could happen. But proper life insurance cover could protect your family, providing them with the means to cope financially should you pass on. Life insurance cover is divided into three main types. Here is our jargon-busting guide to de-mystifying what they are, and what they mean:·...
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Life Insurance; How Much Is Enough?
What subject do people really hate to talk about? Accounting? Taxes? No, that would be life insurance. The topic of buying something that you hope will not use soon, can really stress some people.Recent polls suggest most people are under insured or over insured. If that is the case, how do you make sure you have what is right for you? How do you make sure that you have the life insurance coverage you need? How Much Life Insurance Is Enough?There are online calcul...
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Life Insurance: Do You Have Too Much?
When you discuss your life insurance needs with a broker, are you sure you are asking the right questions or do you feel that you are still confused? Let's take a look at the function of life insurance and see if yours is working for you.The Four Reasons To Have Life InsuranceIt provides security in case the main breadwinner in the family dies.It provides money for charitable causesIt could pay future estate taxesIt could also provide a pensionIf you...
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Life Insurance - Why Do I Need It?
You don't want to leave your family unprepared for what will happen to them financially if you do not get sufficient life insurance coverage. So planning today can provide the income your family will need if you are no longer here. Following are some reasons to consider life insurance from a company that will be there for your family. Every person and every family have their own reasons for life insurance, but the need for protection is at the base of all the needs.Life I...
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Life Insurance - Term Life Or Whole Life?
What type of insurance you need depends on many personal factors. What are your insurance needs? What type of budget are you on? And how long do you need your insurance policy for?Whole Life Insurance Whole life insurance remains in force for as long you keep paying the premiums or there is sufficient cash surrender value to keep the policy alive. Term to 100 years lasts your lifetime and is cheaper for most people. Again you have to keep paying the premium.Whol...
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Understanding The Tax Implications Of Life Settlements
Understanding the tax implications of replacing or selling existing life insurance coverage will help shed some light on the options available to financial advisors and policy holders looking to capitalize on the hidden value in their life insurance plans. Policy holders need to know what the tax implications are for coverage payments in advance of death. They need to know whether viatical agreements will be taxed, and they need options when it comes to replacing expensive or...
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Permanent Life Insurance
You will be covered by a permanent life insurance if you subscribe to a whole life insurance, a universal life insurance or a contract with capital variable.
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How To Obtain Term Life Insurance For Life
With all of our current medical technology and change toward healthier lifestyles, surviving until your golden years is more common. As you have worked a substantial part of your life building your familys fortune, it is a good idea to put together an estate for yourself. Estates ensure that the distribution of your assets are properly handled and allocated according to your wishes. Whether your estate is of modest worth or whether it is in the millions, it is always a wise ...
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Life Insurance, the facts
Insurance involves transferring a risk that you bare, onto an insurance company, so that you no longer have to worry about the event occurring. While you pay a fee, or premium for this, what you get in return is peace of mind.
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Variable Life Insurance
Variable life insurance offers the ultimate in life insurance flexibility. The main principle governing variable life insurance is that you control your life investments instead of the life insurance company managing them on your behalf. This enables you to select the level of risk that you subject your life insurance fund to, paving the way for you to make substantial interest gains on the cash-in value of your life insurance policy.How does variable life insurance work?...
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Low Cost Term Life Insurance We All Want It, This Is How You Get It
Life insurance is probably the most misunderstood of all insurance purchases. It is by far the most selfless insurance purchase that you will ever make. Life insurance was designed to take care of the people that we love the most. The equity based plans have sometimes unintentionally misguided us away from the original concept of life insurance. Term life insurance is the purest form of that original concept. Term policies are also the most affordable forms of all life insura...
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Life Insurance Quotes For The Consumer
To gain your business many independent life insurance brokers and many insurance companies now offer free life insurance quotes on the web. Many allow you to compare their rates with those of their competitors. But comparing rates is not always the answer. It's important to research the companies premiums as well as their ratings.An insurance company's financial strength is important in that you will have comfort and confidence knowing that they will be able to pay your c...
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Life Insurance Mortgage Online Quote How To Shop For Mortgage Protection Online
The purchase of a new home is one of largest investment that we make. The homeowner policy is almost always purchased when anyone purchases a home. The bank lending the mortgage money will require a homeowner policy and become the lien-holder on the policy to protect the loan. The mortgage loan is a major debt and should be covered by life insurance. Mortgage life insurance can be purchased from just about any life insurance company. Shopping for mortgage life insurance onlin...
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Insurance Is Investment For The Future
Of all the reasons why people invest in life and health insurance, the most important one is that they are worried for the future. An older man who married late would need to be sure that his young children will have something to live off when he dies. A man who works overseas all the time, under extreme danger from natural predators or security risks, wants to make sure that his wife will have something to live off when he passes. It could become essential to have health...
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Cheap Van Insurance
Just like any other insurance coverage life insurance, property insurance, fire insurance van insurance also follows the cardinal rule of taking insurance coverage that suits your needs and budget.
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Buy Term Life Insurance Online It's Quick And Easy
The purchase of term life insurance can be easy and painless. The online shopper can search the web for term life insurance rates and find enough information to make a decision very quickly. The key to shopping for life insurance is pre-determining the amount that you need and the type of term policy to cover that need. Once you resolve these two issues then you are able to go online knowing exactly what you are looking for and that is a major time saver.Single Needs Purc...
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The Tough Task Of Being A Life Insurance Agent
Life insurance agents have a very challenging occupation. To be a life insurance agent, you must be able to combine the gentle and responsive nature of a friend with the cold and almost ruthless salesmanship of a hardened professional. The best life insurance agents are able to make this tough job look effortless, but making a good living in this field is more like a walk on a tightrope than like a walk in the park. Selling people life insurance seems innately difficult, ...
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Get A Jump On Retirement- Part 5- Increase Your Earning Potential
One of the easiest ways to retire early is to make more money. Easier said than done, right? Wrong. Most people do not use their biggest resource to its fullest advantage when it comes to making more money. What is that resource? The simple answer is, themselves.The fact is, most people do not like their jobs or their careers. They go to work because they have to, not because they want to. As a result of not wanting to go to work they do not put in the effort to help th...
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Life Insurers Use The Body Mass Index To Tighten The Belt On Fat People
Overweight people are in the firing line again. Life insurance companies are increasing premiums up to four fold for fat people. They've always charged more for those of us who over-eat, but during the last year the penalties have got worse. In moves to tighten the belts further, the life insurers are lowering the weight limits they use to categorise people. This tougher move means that those who are merely overweight and would have previously qualified for a standard pre...
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The Best Kept Secret About Life Insurance
Buy term and invest the difference is a strategy touted by ignorant advisors for years. Finally, someone has stepped forward to introduce the best kept secret of the life insurance industry. Don't buy life insurance until you've read this.
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Why Is Life Insurance Important?
There are many things in life that the average household can live without, but life insurance should not be one of those things. The importance of life insurance increases as the number of people in a household increases. A single person with few, if any, close relations can get by on a very little life insurance or perhaps no insurance at all. The same cannot be said for persons who have family members or other types of responsibilities.Life insurance is a way to protect...
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Which Ones for You?
What are the different types of life insurance? There are mainly two types of life insurance, which is term life insurance and permanent life insurance
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Term Life Insurance For Newlyweds
These days getting married brings about the joining of couples of many different circumstances. Of course there is the ever-traditional young couple fresh out of college who might have no other financial obligations other than student loans, rent and their vehicles. There are usually no children involved and life is just full of possibilities and opportunities that will be built together. Assets as well as bills will be accumulated as a couple.On the other hand, there are...
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Convert Term Policy Before It Expires
Keeping an inexpensive term life insurance policy for too long can cost unprepared families lots of money in the long run.
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Overview And History Of Life Insurance
Term Life InsuranceLife insurance is a subject that brings on many different opinions. While some believe it is a waste of money or even considered gambling, most people understand that life insurance is primarily used to ensure that your family or beneficiary is well taken care of upon your death. Life insurance also ensures that your family will be able to take care of your burial and funeral expenses.While there are many different types of policies as far as life i...
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The Real Scoop on Annuities - Part One (March, 2008)
Today, it's difficult to distinguish one financial institution from another as they compete for the ever-growing pool of investment dollars. Insurance companies, now publicly owned, have become am integral part of an industry that seems uninterested in protecting anything other than their obscenely paid leaders.